When did dinosaurs walk the earth …and why all the confusion?…because God is not a God of confusion.

Scientists have radioactive dated and performed carbon 14 testing on living mollusks, and determined that they were millions of years old. I believe the earth as we know it to be around 14 thousand years old. One has to wonder how many times that God has destroyed and remade this very earth. The first words of Genesis…..”and the earth was without form and void and darkness covered the face of the deep”. These words indicate that the earth was destroyed by a pre-Adamic flood……because the earth according to the bible…was covered with water before God re-created it to be the world we currently know. I believe this pre-Adamic period is when dinosaurs roamed the earth, and in the earlier days of the newly created earth, as we know it now…and if those creatures were not alone….and another “created in Gods image being”….(ie man)….was there too, then God may have given somewhat different laws for man to abide by in the time before Adam. You know….more psychologists go crazy in greater numbers than any other profession, I have to assume, because they have no basis of fact…or any really CONFIRMED IN STONE….belief system to adhere to as a christian does. I personally believe this is solely caused by being completely devoid of any Godly wisdom, having based everything they hold true on science and Sigmund Freud. Geologists and various scientists in every field seem to suffer from the same Godless psychosis ironically. I have read that the highest stressed job in America is a grocery store cashier, (because of the stuck in one place, soul destroying frustration)…… while the lowest stressed job is a symphony conductor, because of the sense of accomplishment. I suggest, that whatever you do in life….that you do it for God alone…and not for science, because you will regret it if you don’t. Again I say….that psychologists…and scientists try vainly to make everything much too complicated with all the errant hypotheses, such as the Big Bang, and so on. A million seconds is twelve days…..and a billion seconds is 43 years. Why would anyone waste 12 days or 43 years pondering the query as to whether a Big Bang…(Pow…bang bang)…created all the beauty that you see…..why not just come to the realization, that God already wrote down the explanation for you in his word!!! God was right…his people are a stubborn people. Since we know that God is only good, can do only right, and there is no darkness in him…and that he cannot lie…..then we must assume that whatever laws were in place…. kept with the Is…Was…and Is To Come, nature of the unfailing holiness of The Almighty God as well.

How are you at biblical riddles?

These people are cruising along in a cruise ship…..and come upon an iceberg. They get out on the iceberg and start exploring around and they dig up two bodies. They take the bodies back to the ship and “visually” examine them….and come to the only logical conclusion…..that it must be Adam and Eve. How do they know? The bodies are both completely naked and are not wearing fig leaves. Adam is missing a rib……but this is not the undeniable clue that gives away who these two people are. These two people were the only humans to share this characteristic. Once again…..How do they know? Please answer…..

God has a sense of humor and does speak to us in dreams……

I will start this off by relating a dream that God gave me about seven years ago.
I had a very short , what I call a teaching dream….because he gives us instruction in every dream he gives. Although we have dreams of the world…..and dreams direct from God….I am always sure when he is speaking to me. In the dream I saw myself standing on a lawn and I was surrounded by puppies waddlling and barking down by my feet. In the dream, I had several puppies that had latched onto the tips of my fingers and were biting down and holding on. I kept trying to get them off my fingers because they were causing me pain. No matter what I would do….. they kept hanging to my fingertips with there teeth. Finally….after a while….one puppy fell off….then another, and when the last puppy fell off and hit the ground…..I heard a slight squeaky whimper after the last puppy had fallen off….but I knew that puppy was ok. He wandered off with all the other puppies and did not come back. Lol I had pondered this dream for 3 days….and had told others I know who are familiar with dreams from God , but had not gotten the interpertation. I had been asking God….”I know that was you….what are you telling me”……almost constantly for the three days…..when one evening , I had just freshly gone over the dream in my mind once again…and God said. ……”Shake those puppies off and it will be ok”!…..And I said “what.”…..And then he reminded me that I had been praying about quitting smoking. He said “shake those puppies off and it will be ok”The puppy that hit the ground was not hurt at all…but wandered off. Lol God has a sense of humor, because he is the author of humor and all wisdom and knowledge. God will speak to you using weenies….or houses or whatever….lol…..he knows just how to get to each of us…mhm thats true…That is why I am interested in peoples dreams. I spent a long time “in the world”……being a “pretty good christian”……but slipping and failing in some areas in order to have fun….yanno. I have long since quit being hyppocritical in any way…..and now I have come to the point with God, that he has started speaking to me “face to face” …so to speak. What I mean is…that instead of dreams so much…..he speaks all the more clearly to my spirit at any and every time of the day…and I am able to realize that it is him speaking as opposed to my earthly mind…..I have come into a higher realm…thats how he does us….If you understand me. It all has to do with what you allow yourself to keep in your “mind cup” on a daily and weekly basis. In other words….how clean of a life you lead for yourself. He said…”if your words abide in me…and my words abide in you….ask what you will and it shall be done unto you”. Every day that goes by, it gets all the more clearer to me how everything that God says is EXACTLY true. Things are really coming together for me lifewise since I have completely put away the world and have began following him with my whole heart…and nothing hidden…..hope you understand…its what he want’s from us from birth…to be able to unconditionally do only his will. I did quit smoking and let me tell you it was like I had never smoked within 3 days, as God is my witness. Just like when Jesus gave men instruction to be healed…..those men were healed “AS THEY WENT”…..and the ones that praised God as well……WERE MADE WHOLE!… The men that worshiped ALSO….INSTEAD OF JUST BEING OBEDIENT….is also a lesson in one of my earlier posts . In the endtimes…..I believe that God will spare those that “WORSHIP” HIM….. the trials of the tribulation. I believe that there is a difference between those that praise God…..and those that worship with all their heart. What a lesson in unfettered obedience to God……..God is great.!

What your priorities in life should be according to God.

The bible declares that the greatest things in life you can enjoy….are your mate….and your food, as far as earthly things. I will make this letter short and sweet. I do not know many who know these principles which I will state. Your priorities in life should be……God comes first in your life and it is your personal relationship with him of which I speak. Second should be your MATE….OR WHOMEVER YOU ARE SERIOUS WITH AS A COMPANION. Third should be your children….and the children NOT BEFORE YOUR MATE….IT DOES NOT WORK!. Fourth is your church and then whatever else……and in that order.

What your priorities should be:
1. God
2. Your mate
3. Your children
4. Your church
5. Anything else.

Many wifes make the mistake of putting their children BEFORE their husband in importance. I realize children have needs…but if you put the needs of your children above that of your husband…..then you will alienate your husband from yourself. He will feel left out and your marriage will suffer. If you cause your children to come second to your husband….then the children will grow up and realize there place in priority was for the best and it will not have injured their feellings. If your child breaks a leg…then by all means take them to the hospital and get it fixed….but if your child wants you to take them to a concert , (but your husband is asking for sex he hasn’t had in 6 months)…then let the child do something else….AND DO NOT ALIENATE YOUR HUSBAND!)…You will do great damage to your husband or wife emotionally, if you put anything but God alone ahead of them in your lifes priorities. Failure to follow these principles have wrecked many marriages….usually leaving both partners unable to describe what had happened. Now you know. Abraham had his priorities right. His personal relationship with God came first……Since we are married to God and are the Bride of Christ……Abraham was able to sacrifice his own son, deeming his “husband which is Christ” ……..more important than his children. If Abraham had refused to sacrifice his son……then he would have missed the promises of God. “All the secrets of wisdom and knowledge are HIDDEN within Gods Word. ” Many marriages miss the promises of God in this , and many other ways. Your relationship with God is more important than your church, because you don’t have to attend church to know God personally. Since there is so much errant teaching in the churches today…I believe it should be law….that you READ GODS WORD FOR YOURSELF FIRST…..BEFORE YOU START ATTENDING ANY CHURCH!, WITHOUT EXCEPTION. Your children are more important than your church, because they are your own flesh. You are responsible for teaching your children about God, and being the first one to take care of their needs. Your church is extra giving of yourself to God. “Forsake not the assembling of yourselves together”….But being able to control and keep hold of your own family well , is a priority before your church.

How most marriages operate: Ie….priorities out of order:
1. Children
2. Mate
3. Anything else
4. Church
5. God…………think about these things……

Abraham Lincolns assasination and how it concerns our current president.

Abraham Lincoln was assasinated one week after he let his wife have a seance in the Whitehouse. I do not wish this for Barak Obama, but I have heard that this is going on in the current Whitehouse as well, attempting to conjure up the spirit of John F. Kennedy. Only God knows if this is true or not, but it is not hard for me to believe, considering the misgivings of past presidents. We have only to read the book of Samuel reguarding the passages wherein Saul engages the Witch of Endor, hoping to speak the THE DEAD SPIRIT OF SAMUEL, to bring light to what is being practiced in the Whitehouse. This is the clearest picture in the bible of making demonic contact through a medium, and God forbids it. What happened was …that Saul found himself conversing directly with a demon, that was masquerading as the dead prophet Samuel. Dead men do not talk to the living….this is a great error and a major lie capitalized on today by so called mediums. “It is appointed unto man, once to die….and then the judgement.” God does not take it lightly when one who leads so many, takes part in occultic practices, as was evident in the final hours of the life of Abraham Lincoln. I would venture to say….that Abraham Lincoln did not have time to repent for what he had done…thus I believe his fate to be sealed. Recently a wall was knocked down that bordered what was the Lincoln bedroom in the Whitehouse….revealing a plethera of 19th century porn. “Those things done in secret, shall be declared on the rooftops.” It is written……And some of those things both NOW….. and at the Great Judgement.

A vision of the world heralding the onset of the endtimes……

God showed me a vision of how it would become in the endtimes, back in 1984. This was a wide awake vision with eyes closed, that occurred at a prayer meeting at a friends house in Oklahoma. Everyone at the meeting was holding hands and just thanking God in each others own way, when God started to reveal to me just how deceptive things would become in the endtimes. God moves when he will…..
While I was praying in the Spirit, I saw in a vision, a multitude of smaller volcanos, surrounding, and at the feet of a great volcano. I could see a river of lava flowing beside the base and to the front of the great volcano, thus dividing the landmass between the great one and the smaller mountains. The great mountain, and the smaller volcanos, were transparent allowing me to see the rise and fall of the lava within each mountain. Whenever the lava within the great volcano would RISE….the lava within every smaller volcano would FALL. Whenever the lava in the great volcano would FALL….then the lava within every small volcano would RISE, AT EXACTLY THE SAME RATE…. as the lava falling within the great one.
God spoke and told me that this was how deceptive things would become in the endtimes.
The great volcano represents Satan in his many forms. The river of lava represents how Satan cut himself off from God and man by his own wicked thoughts, the flow of lava being his evil mind. The smaller volcanos represent NOT CHRISTIANS, BUT “WORLDY PEOPLE”. Worldy people are those that are living a “double life” “masquerading” as christians and, or, refuse to acknowledge God, and ultimately “choose to live a lie”. The smaller volcanos also signify those that will worship the Beast when he comes. God will let you choose to believe a lie if you wish….and you will actually believe it is true. I believe Barak Obama to be the first of the “lying spirits” to appear, and herald the approaching Antichrist, that is yet to come. Satan has to mix a little truth…with lies and deceit in order to mastermind his real plan…to ultimately bring your soul alongside his within Eternal Hell. Satan cannot create, so therefore he counterfeits. I believe that at present…Satans mightiest lying demons have surfaced and searched the earth and made long since foreordained choices, to posess whom they will in order to fulfill their most evil motives, and Barak Obama is one chosen.
I tell you true reader….I have never been more aware of how the Words of Barak Obama, AND I MEAN EVERY SINGLE WORD…..have been shown to be nothing but lies. It is like the corresponding rise and fall of lava…withing the mighty and small volcanos. When Obama says yes…..he means NO….When Obama says NO….he means Yes. The point is…that the vision I have stated denotes it…..and the public record of Barak Obama for a year and a half previous……CONFIRMS THAT HE IS BORN OF HELL!
I have not seen a greater “INTENTIONAL” liar in the history of the world. Because his lies are Intentional…that fact serves to make them “taunting” as well. Satan laughs inside when he lies. KNOW YOU THIS….GREATER LIARS THAN BARAK WILL COME!. I am appauled at any, that would still think good resides anywhere within Barak Obama, but there are those that do! These things I have told you make me ALL THE MORE CERTAIN….. THAT JESUS IS ON HIS WAY BACK WITH A DOUBLE EDGED SWORD IN HIS MOUTH THAT HAS NO FAVOR FOR MY ACCUSER!

The only way that anyone can withstand the wiles of deception in the final hour…is to be filled with the spirit of Almighty God. There will be no other way!!!
It is written: 1st Corinthians 2:14-16….”But the natural man recieveth NOT the things of the spirit of God: for they are FOOLISHNESS unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. But he that is spiritual judgeth all things, yet he himself is judged of no man. For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct him? But we have the mind of Christ.

Those of you living a double life……STOP IT! Satan is so wicked, that he actually want’s whats EXACTLY OPPOSITE, of any so called good thing he might promise you. Just like the lava….Satans thoughts are exactly opposite of what you are thinking, because he is that perverse.

Click obamas picture to literally see the oldest conjurers trick in the world…….it was known as cup and balls in ancient times….

Remember….”everything in life is vanity…..like chasing after the wind”, according to the wise King Solomon. Solomon was a great naturalist that new a little bit about everything….very wise as the story goes. Anything you can do…see…smell…touch…hear…buy…experience…..It will all pass away in the near future. Say the word “Light”…..in the time it took you to speak it….Light traveled around the world seven times. Seven is the number of perfection in the bible by the way. I serve a God of Light…and Perfection!…Think of it!. Why would you serve an imperfect fallen angel like Satan? Anything Belial can offer…will itself rot away someday! I suggest that you make youreself able….to just let the words of Barak Obama fall at your feet. He will be doing an evil work on not just America…but the entire world…..for many days to come. The Obama of Evil is here to wake you up!!!! Do you not feel it?…..Satan, through Obama…TAUNTS ALL PEOPLES OF THIS EARTH….AND SEEKS SUBMISSION BEFORE HE DEMANDS IT SOMEDAY. When the time of the Antichrist comes…The Beast will demand it. I along with many many many many many many many many thousands, will deny this Beast. It is written that God will let his people suffer for only so long. Become wise and follow God WITH YOUR ENTIRE HEART, and your yoke will be light I promise you.

“And still they come….in the name of the lie of Islam”

Have you noticed how the muslims have purposely toned down their approach in only the last few months on youtube. I am sure that God knows which ones will repent in this life….and which ones will not. However, the “new muslim approach”……is evidence of the shaking that is going on throughout all Islam. Even those that are continuing to preach Islam, are aware of the hatred that has been spewing forth in the name of Muhammed. What a feat to leave such a vile religeon steeped in hatred and requiring death of its captives if they decide to flee. I believe that such that are able to escape have experienced a quickened completed filling of the Holy Ghost, in order to give them faith enough to be able to leave Islam in these endtimes. Much secretive prayer goes on in the Muslim nations , unaware to the Islamic states……and it is those that would leave and turn to God. There are thousands that we don’t hear about daily that are leaving Islam, having done whatever it takes to accomplish it. Yes I realize muslims are decieved, and that ALL FLESH is wise enough to recognize the wiles of the Devil or anyone attempting to beguile. Muslims are used to this type of thing even in street bargaining from day to day. A person attempting to lead one to Islam, is likened unto a viper, beckoning to a rabbit to come into it’s open mouth and lie on its soft tounge to cool itself in the heat of the day. God can use one…..to get to many…..God can cause one muslim to have an experience that won’t be forgotten, and cause that man to spread the results of his enlightenment. I had an Islamic man that wanted to argue, and was sure that the quaran was the right way. I told that man that I asked God to show him who he served, by letting the God of Islam wink at him the next time he looked into his bathroom mirror. After I questioned that man about it the next day……he said something like “well…i’m sure you see evil when you look into the mirror as well”. This response made me sure that God did get to him through the act of him glancing in his bathroom mirror. I don’t know for a certainty what the man saw….but I know of even more mysterious ways in which God has worked. This man never messaged me again. I believe he discovered the One True God….

Tired of being called a “hater” and that I should “love thy neighbor”…quoted from idiots that have never read the bible , but only posess brainwashed phrases they learned in the public school system…

Your an idiot……….a typical youtuber wrote…i have a gay cousin hes completely awesome and not as what u call following satan muslims are beautiful people i know there are some nut jobs out there but i have friends tht are muslim and i havent seen them doing any terrible sins so dont judge people the bible says love thy neighbour nd that all people were created equal so stop hatibng thy neighbour and thinking just because theyre a little different doesnt mean they arent equal.

: my reply………I don’t care if you have a gay cousin….and i dont care if you like muslims…..they are both warped. Being a homosexual is following Satan , and is the most evil thing you can do, next to the unpardonable sin. Muslims are believing a lie and if you hang around with them…then you will start believing the lie as well. Satan is as a wolf in sheeps clothing….dont forget. Muslims “terrible sin” is, that they worship another besides God….they call it allah….which is Satan….in muhammeds time allah was worshiped as a moon god, with three daughters. If someone like me, that follows God, listened to people like you….then all of you would wind up in hell. If I chose not to strongly caution fags, ( and by the way…go ahead and call me a hater for using the word fag)….. about the evil of being a homo, ( because they were “nice” people)… then what good would that do? If I chose to not warn muslims that they were worshiping a false God…(because they were “so awsome”)….then what kind of person would I be? Do you think I like getting hateful comments from assholes like you because I know I care? huh? As far as “judgements go…(you are “judging me” by calling me an idiot) , and furthermore…..you have no wisdom at all. All you have is what you have been mentally conditioned with at your miserable “politically correct public school”. Then why am I warning people about their sins that are clearly evident in Gods word? And…by the way…..(you judge someone when you are enforcing your own will on them)!…God alone created and left his word and told me and you ,to read it and tell others , which is just what I am doing. I will never stop it, at the bidding of a young brainwashed fool like yourself. Its all gay sympathy and muslim sympathy nowadays….and “don’t hate”…..and “love your neighbor”…..and I am following these principles and you are not because I am willing to lay down my life for a friend and you are not!!! Jesus said ” NO GREATER LOVE HATH A MAN…THAN THAT HE WOULD LAY DOWN HIS LIFE FOR A FRIEND! And by the way….every sin is a terrible sin…..and God has them all written down.

an excerpt from “testimonys of hell”….about “awsome gay people ” and “beautiful muslims”…..

We continued with Jesus, holding His hand even tighter. We came to a section that really made an impression on me. We saw a young man, 23 years old, suspended waist-high in the middle of a fire. We couldn’t see exactly what his torment was, but the number 666 was engraved on him. He also had a metal plate on his chest that read, “I am here for being normal.” When he saw Jesus, he extended his hand towards Jesus begging for mercy. The Word of God says in Proverbs 14:12 “There is a way that seems right to a person, but its end is the way of death.”

When we read the plate that said “I am here for being normal”, we asked the Lord, “Lord, how come!? Is this possible that a person can come to this place for this reason?” Then Jesus asked him, “Andrew, why are you here in this place?” He answered, “Jesus, when I was on Earth, I thought that just killing and stealing were sins, and that is why I never tried to get close to you.” In Psalms 9:17 is says “The wicked shall be turned into Hell, all the heathen that forget God.”

Andrew made a big mistake by classifying sins, like many people do today. The Bible is very clear when it says that the wages of the sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life. (Romans 6:23) Further, when the Bible talks about sin, it never classifies sins, because all of them are just sins. Andrew had the chance to know and accept Jesus but he didn’t take the opportunity that God had given to him. Maybe he had a thousand opportunities to know the Lord, but he never wanted to know Him and that was the reason he was there. Then a big blanket of fire covered his body and we never saw him again.

Sodom and Gomorrah: Judgement on ungratefulness and unnatural affections….

First of all, I would like to say….that there is no greater sin than ungratefullness. The Men of Sodom scoffed at the offering of lots two daughters, with which to be allowed to pleasure themselves, instead…..lusting after the “men” who were with Lot, unaware that these men were angels appearing as men. So we see how the men of Sodom burned with the desire to rape God’s angels, even though it was unbeknownst to them.

And there came two angels to Sodom at even; and Lot sat in the gate of Sodom: and Lot seeing them rose up to meet them; and he bowed himself with his face toward the ground;
And he said, Behold now, my lords, turn in, I pray you, into your servant’s house, and tarry all night , and wash your feet, and ye shall rise up early, and go on your ways. And they said, Nay; but we will abide in the street all night.
And he pressed upon them greatly; and they turned in unto him, and entered into his house; and he made them a feast, and did bake unleavened bread, and they did eat.
But before they lay down, the men of the city, even the men of Sodom, compassed the house round, both old and young, all the people from every quarter:
And they called unto Lot, and said unto him, Where are the men which came in to thee this night? bring them out unto us, that we may know them.
And Lot went out at the door unto them, and shut the door after him, And said, I pray you,bretheren, do not so wickedly. Behold now, I have two daughters which have not known man; let me, I pray you, bring them out unto you, and do ye to them as is good in your eyes: only unto these men do nothing; for therefore came they under the shadow of my roof.
And they said, Stand back. And they said again, This one fellow came in to sojourn, and he will needs be a judge: now will we deal worse with thee, than with them.
And they pressed sore upon the man, even Lot, and came near to break the door. But the men put forth their hand, and pulled Lot into the house to them, and shut to the door.

And they smote the men that were at the door of the house with blindness, both small and great: so that they wearied themselves to find the door. And the men said unto Lot, Hast thou here any besides son in law, and thy sons, and thy daughters, and whatsoever thou hast in the city, bring them out of this place:
For we will destroy this place, because the cry of them is waxen great before the face of the Lord; and the Lord hath sent us to destroy it. And Lot went out, and spake unto his sons in law, which married his daughters, and said, Up, get you out of this place; for the Lord will destroy this city.
But he seemed as one that mocked unto his sons in law. And when the morning arose, then the angels hastened Lot, saying, Arise, take thy wife, and thy two daughters, which are here; lest thou be consumed n the iniquity of the city.
And while he lingered, the men laid lold upon his hand, and upon the hand of his wife, and upon the hand of his two daughters; the Lord being merciful unto him: and they brought him forth, and set him without the city.
And it came to pass, when they had brought them forth abroad, that he said, Escape for thy life; look not behind thee, neither stay thou in all the plain; escape to the mountain, lest thou be consumed.

Those whom think Hell is a party…….

The “partier” wrote: Re: good for you …..Sweet! I get to be like one of the greatest rock legends, John Lennon!? Flippin Sweet man, Hell here I come!

My reply: Re: Re: good for you…. If you wish….and it is your choice……Why not go outside right now and peer up into the heavens and shout……JESUS I REJECT YOU FOR NOW AND ALL ETERNITY……….I personally don’t think you would live another day. …but that is up to you. God is a gentleman and would never force his gift on anyone. If you are sure that you just don’t care..and just don’t want him…then I think you might as well get to hell as fast as you can so the “party” can begin…..and let that be the option for any and all blaspheming and Christ rejecting Youtubers……..You had a choice….

Letter from an Agnostic…

And she wrote:

Re: ok I am not hating on you for having faith, it’s a good thing to have my family are Christian and I am agnostic. Though I don’t neccesarily believe in god I lead a life he would be proud of. What I am hating on is your undying need to force your faith upon others.
Islam is just as valid as Christianity…who knows god and Allah could be best friends up there no one know because no one can check….faith is about believing and leading a good life but it is also about free will and we have a right to make our own descisions as to what we want to believe….no matter what you think there is no way you can prove the validity of Christianity to be greater that that of islam…Buddhism… and even atheism….

God if he exists in benevolant…this means he loves all….including Muslims…just because they have followed that path it does not make them bad people it is what they have been told and taught as they grew up.

Being part of a religion doesn’t mean you have to believe in it’s figure heads you may just like and agree with the way people of that religion lead their life.

It is unfair and even unreligious to go around hating on people because of their religion. In my opinion by doing this you are far from being a good Christian and becoming closer to the grasps of hell [if it exists] ….I mean jesus didn’t discriminate did he?

I had to reply: Re: Re: ok ” no greater love hath a man….than he would lay down his life for a friend”…..
I never saw muhammed do that….
God is a gentleman and would never force a free gift on you…that is correct. It is your own choice if you choose Islam over Jesus. I suggest that you ask Jesus to show you that he is real in a mighty way that you cannot dispute…and I’m sure he will…….

Islam is the Light….”of Lucifer”…

This is the most creepy, foul, vial, and wretched excuse for a child’s toy there has ever been or ever will be, in my opinion! What manner of person or persons would use a ploy such as this in an attempt to literally seduce….(as MUHAMMED would have done)….the eternal spirit of an innocent child, in order to take their soul to hell with them? Satan is the master of cheap tricks such as this one. For a certainty….the flames in hell will leap light years high lapping at the MASTER OF DECEPTION!

Someone I had worked with, after seeing this video, searched her daughters doll collection only to find this beast of a doll lurking about. The woman decided to give the doll over to her teenage son for destruction, and he laid that evil doll to rest without delay. BE AWARE OF WHATS ABIDING IN YOUR HOUSE MASQUERADING AS UNSEEN EVIL. Not only objects….but kids movies are a major culprit, laced with spells, incantations and what I call “sight fetishes”…..(symbols…the acting out of ritualistic dances…etc.) The thing about kids cartoons that air on television and the movies as well…..is that they are designed to have all the misleading occultic information towards the end of the videos. This is the case because Satan knows ….that when a parent “previews” a certain movie….they usually only watch the first 4 or 5 minutes or so, and are hence duped into thinking that the content is not detrimental to the child. THINK AGAIN AND LOOK A LITTLE CLOSER PARENTS!

“Woe unto anyone that shall cause one of these little ones that believe on me to stumble”……

Nazi’s delved deep into the occult before WWII and the result was “Demonically influenced technology” …Aliens do not exist! Beware the endtime deceptions!

Read it for yourself….but I believe that the knowledge that was the basis for these inventions, came from demonic contact by use of a medium somewhere along the line. Demons simply masquerade as “aliens and ghosts”, and wind up deceiving the most gullable people, and thus propogate the endtime deceptions. Remember, as far as craft that have been seen….Satan was the Prince of the Powers and Principalities of the Air, and has had almost limitless knowledge in these areas because he is a spirit being afterall. I have linked to the video on the left and in the links section under “haunebu”. Very interesting.

The SS E-IV (Entwicklungsstelle 4), a development unit of the SS occult “Order of the Black Sun” was tasked with
researching alternative energies to make the Third Reich independent of scarce fuel oil for war production. Their
work included developing alternative energies and fuels.
This group developed by 1939 a revolutionary electro-magnetic-gravitic engine which improved Hans Coler’s free
energy machine into an energy Konverter coupled to a Van De Graaf band generator and Marconi vortex dynamo
(a spherical tank of mercury) to create powerful rotating electromagnetic fields that affected gravity and reduced
It was designated the Thule Triebwerk (Thrustwork, a.ka. Tachyonator-7 drive) and was to be installed into
a Thule designed disc.

Since 1935 the Thule Gesellschaft (Society) had been scouting for a remote, inconspicuous, underdeveloped
testing ground for such a craft. Thule found a location in Northwest Germany that was known as (or possibly
designated as) Hauneburg. At the establishment of this testing ground and facilities the SS E-IV unit simply
referred to the new Thule disc as a war product- the “H-Gerat” (Hauneburg Device).
For wartime security reasons the name was shortened to Haunebu in
1939 and was briefly designated RFZ-5 along with Vril’s machines once
the Hauneburg site was abandoned in favor of the more suitable Vril
Arado Brandenburg aircraft testing grounds.
The early Haunebu I craft of which two
prototypes were constructed were 25 meters in
diameter, had a crew of eight and could
achieve the incredible initial velocity of 4,800
km/h, but at low altitude. Further enhancement
enabled the machine to reach 17,000 km/h.
Flight endurance was 18 hours. To resist the
incredible temperatures of these velocities a
special armor called Victalen { Frozen Smoke }
was pioneered by SS metallurgists specifically
for both the Haunebu and Vril series of disc
craft. The Haunebu I had a double hull of
Victalen. {Frozen Smoke developed in the 30’s}

The Experimental KSK Gun
The early models also attempted to
test out a rather large experimental
gun installation- the twin 60 mm KSK
(KraftStrahlKanone, Strong Ray
Cannon) which operated off the
Triebwerk for power. It has been
suggested that the ray from this
weapon made it a laser, but it was
not. The Germans called it an
“anachronism” gun – “not belonging to
that time period or out of place.”

When a Vril 7 was downed by the
Russians in 1945 a similar underbelly
mounted KSK gun was destroyed
with debris recovered from the battle
site. Postwar the strange metal balls
and tungsten spirals that made up
the weapon could not be identified.
But recently it has been speculated
that the Triebwerk-connected balls
formed cascade oscillators that were
connected to a long barrel-shrouded
transmission rod wrapped in a
precision tungsten spiral, or coil to
transmit a powerful energy burst
suitable to pierce up to 4 in (100 mm)
of enemy armor. The heavy gun
installation, however, badly
destabilized the disc and in
subsequent Haunebu models lighter
MG and MK cannon were supposedly

The Series Prototypes
The Haunebu I first flew in 1939 and both prototypes made 52 test
flights. In 1942, the enlarged Haunebu II of 26 meters diameter was
ready for flight testing. This disc had a crew of nine and could also
achieve supersonic flight of 6,000 to 21,000 km/h with a flight endurance
of 55 hours. Both it and the further developed 32 meter diameter
Haunebu II Do-Stra had heat shielding of two hulls of Victalen. The craft
were constructed and tested between 1943-44. The craft made 106 test
By 1944, the perfected war model, the Haunebu II Do-Stra (Dornier
STRAtospharen Flugzeug/Stratospheric Aircraft) was tested. Two
prototypes were built. These massive machines, several stories tall, were
crewed by 20 men. They were also capable of hypersonic speed beyond
21,000 km/h. The SS had intended to produce the machines with
tenders for both Junkers and Dornier but in late 1944/early 1945 Dornier
was chosen. The close of the war, however, prevented Dornier from
building any production models. Yet larger still was the 71 meter
diameter Haunebu III. A lone prototype was constructed before the close
of the war. It was crewed by 32 and could achieve speeds of 7,000 to
40,000 km/h. It had a triple Victalen hull. It is said to have had a flight
endurance of 7 to 8 weeks.
The craft made 19 test flights. This craft was
to be used for evacuation work for Thule and Vril in March 1945. (Research courtesy of Cyrax and Flyrax).

And lastly, there has surfaced the mystery of the TR-3B. Allegedly one of the latest high-tech, USAF stealth aircraft rumored to be operational is the ‘Astra’, otherwise known as the TR-3B. This craft is delta shaped and capable of vertical lift, as well as all the other radical moves commonly associated with UFOs. This baby comes in two sizes, one 300 feet long and one 600 feet long. Its propulsion is described as “Magnetic Field Disruptor” [anti-gravity], created by spinning mercury plasma at 50,000 rpms, pressurized to 250,000 psi. This reduces the craft’s gravitaional mass by 89%. Multi-mode impulse rockets at each corner of the delta configuration supply the remaining 11% propulsion. Could this plane be the ugly stepchild of the Haunebu III?? It is interesting to note that in ancient India, the name “Astra’ referred to a ‘terrible’ airborne weapon…

This research concerning the origins of Barak Obama’s name…..is very revealing, and awe inspiring to me as a revelation of things present.

This is very interesting, although I believe the antichrist will be an entity which “appears” to have all the answers, to all of the worlds problems. I really do believe that Jesus is letting his people know of “The First True Endtime Man Of Satan” that will serve as a forerunner of the Antichirist. I believe he is loosed in order to awaken the body of Christ. The Antichrist will also be a man of false miracles, of which Barak Obama is not. Obama is only the start of blasphemies……..

1st John 2:18….”Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time.”….

I believe Barak Obama to be the (first instance of spirit of antichrist to herald the advent of the endtimes), and not the” Author Of Sin.” I firmly believe that his presence is an early warning from The Great Shephard, of things to come , and the utter wickedness that is to follow. To anyone who, not by chance reads these words…I solemly declare unto you that Jesus is a gentleman…..he is never early…and he is never late…..everything he does is perfect. I cannot believe that the Spirits Of God Almighty , would ever tarry in warning his beloved early on, and firsthand……. of the approaching Beast…….Praise Be To Jesus….

Signs of the Times

How can man fake a cloud like that…….and why?……Satan does not want you to believe in Jesus anyway……….Its not hard for God to speak to us in the clouds. He speaks in more ways than this let me tell you……

Personally…I’m not going to quibble as to whether these vids are hoax’s or not….it doesn’t matter to me….I hope it will get people who are passive towards God thinking on his imminent return……

It clearly says in the bible….that Jesus will not return UNTIL HIS MESSAGE IS PREACHED INTO ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD…..I tell you…..maybe this is his way of getting to places that missionaries have not trodden………and not just here…but in all parts of the world. People had better quit trying to explain God away….and start believing…..because I guarantee you ….It will take you about one ten billionth of a millisecond to believe in Hell when you suddenly arrive there!